Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jessicas surgery 5/8/2007

Jessica went in to the hospital at 9:00 in the morning. Her surgery was scheduled for noon. She was pretty miserable because she couldn't eat or have a bottle. The surgery was supposed to be about three hours long. Her first surgery took longer than expected though so we all figured it would take more time as well. They took her in a little later than planned, around 12:45. Dr. Horvath, her oncologist came to visit her some time around 4:00. It was very nice of her to be there and show her support. She checked in on Jessie and said she didn't want to interrupt but it was good they were still working on her. It meant they were getting alot done. She recently was in Canada so she bought Jessie a little doll. She says Jessica reminds her of herself in her baby pictures. Its so nice to have such wonderful doctors. We had alot of family there as well. Her grandparents, her ninas and nino, as well as her uncles, aunts and cousins. Dr Lee, her surgeon came out some time after 7:00. He had an optimistic look on his face which brought so much relief to everyone. He said she did great! The CT scan she had a few weeks ago showed she still had a lesion on her left kidney as well as some on her upper right and the large one on her bottom right kidney. They removed all of the smaller lesions and did biopsy's on each of them. All of them were scar tissue. The chemo had gotten rid of all of them except the large one on the bottom. They took 1/3 of her bottom right kidney to remove the tumor. The biopsy showed it was still cancerous. The doctors felt that tumor was the original source. Originally the plan was to take half of her right kidney so it was a blessing to leave her with more. Dr. Lee said from what he could see all of the cancer is GONE! However as protocol she will still undergo more chemo. She was very drowsy from the anesthesia but when her parents came in to see her, Mom said "Hi Baby" and she opened her eyes and said "Hi." On Wednesday night she had a little fever so she was getting some Tylenol. Thursday morning the doctor said she can get up and walk a little if she felt up to it. They are having her sit up now to help get her intestines working. They would like her to pass some gas. Her kidneys started draining right away. If everything goes well she will be coming home on mothers day this Sunday. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Thank you for everything!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is good! we will pray.
leos in san diego