Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jessica's thirteenth treatment / Results

It's Friday morning June 15th. Jessie is going in for chemo. So we get there and we doing our regular routine and the doctor comes in to see her and it's not her every day doctor but still one of her doctors and he's checking her and I asked him about her results and he said well she has three tumors on one side and one on the other I swear to you I felt like I had a ton of bricks fall on me I said," what, what do you mean." He said there's tumors still there, I said," No Dr. Lee said he got it all." He said no there still there I could not talk to him any more, bare with me This is so hard for me to even try to replay it in my head. I stepped out and called Richard and said our baby still has cancer in both kidneys. He said," what." I told him he had to come down because I can't even talk to the doctor. He came right over and tried talking to the doctor but couldn't get straight answers so we waited around for her regular doctor because she was in a meeting. So while we waited Jessie got her chemo and we went to get some lunch and then we went back to talk to her doctor and she pretty much said that they don't know where they came from or if the tumors that they removed were blocking them and now there seeing them, they just have alot of I don't know answers which is driving us nuts so now she talking her case to a board meeting to see what there plan is going to be but there going to continue her chemo the way it is for now which is chemo every third Friday and she has two more left.I wish this was all over but, it's not and we are going to try to stay strong for our baby and Thank you Leo for all your support and tell pops thanks for praying for us it really means alot to us and to my cousin Danny Thank you too for all your support and for the rest of our family because seriously I don't think we could do this with out you guys! So the plan for now is to monitor them every couple weeks to make sure there not growing, one good thing is that they are very little.Please keep praying for my baby!


Unknown said...

hi you guys, i really got out of words with this notice, i just want to let you know that i`m with you and that we`ll keep praying for jessica and for you, i know that this is really tough and that i admire that strainght that you have, your baby needs that.and as alway i send you my best wishes.


Unknown said...

I do beleive in the power of prayer,good thoughts and positive energy. I and all of us will continue to pray and send the strength your way. thinking of you guys

aunt gloria said...

Dearest niece and nephew

Always know our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and baby Jessica...
And remember these beautiful words by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.

Of course we know God loves his little angels best of all.
Aunt Gloria

Unknown said...

just checking , and thinking good thoughts with positive energy.
take care

Unknown said...

just checking and thinking good thoughts with positive energy.
take care