Saturday, September 8, 2007

Jessica's appointment

It was Friday August 24 th. Jessie went in and had her blood drawn and all her blood counts came back great. We also have a ct appointment which is Thursday August 30th at 9:oo. So we are praying for good news!


Unknown said...

We will continue our prayers for little Jessica.

Unknown said...

hey their ,
Dad asked me when i stopped by the house to save lunch money. my little bean burrito with a protein shake ended up costing a 129 bucks.
He asked what is the latest. i explained they are very buzy and havnt posted. he asked me to call and stop with the informal computer thing.
I will call soon. 1st i must call my carnal to get the #
I did say all is been going well and we know everything will be ok ...
jessica is strong and her parents keep it that way. they appreciate the prayers and everybodys faith.
leo riboni

Carlos Pulido said...

Primo Carlos said... Laura and family, even this is the first time we are giving you our comment, we had been following very close what it's happening through this website and our thoughts and prayers are always for Jessica, you and all your family, and we know God is in control of everything, we love you so much and me and my family in Virginia are with all of you.
My mom (aunt Juana Maria) told me that I think everything is over. Is that right? We hope is yes. We miss you family in Los Angeles and Mexico. Uncle Juan Carlos Pulido and Family
God Bless You.